Saturday, March 20, 2010


Recently I went to the school where I worked for nearly 4 years . And I had great fun throughout the whole day. Now I will write about it in detail –

One day when I called up my Principal to wish her on an occasion, she asked me to join them in the annual fete in the coming days. After I left the school (as my husband changed his job), I never went back there. So, this time, I decided to give it a try.

Though it is really far from my house but I started early so that I can have all the fun from the beginning! And it was worth it – TRULY! I met so many students, colleagues, the attendants, the gatekeeper, all the staff – I loved to meet them all. Many of my former students and their parents came to me, they were also very happy to find me after nearly one and half years. Some students went and bought their friends also to meet their “ma’m”. I had Nice time . I received a warm welcome from my Principal and Director Sir, President Sir. Truly – who could have guessed that I would have such a nice time in the school which I have already left! Today as a writing about it – I am re-living that day, and feeling glad again!

I am so grateful to the LORD, that HE has given me such a Day to Enjoy and Appreciate life ! Truly Life is Beautiful! Sometimes you face a sweet moment so unexpectedly that you are totally taken aback by the Intensity of that experience! Living each and every moment in HIS creation is Beautiful!

With Lots of Best Wishes for all .

Jai Shri Krishna

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