Monday, March 8, 2010


Today I want to dedicate this post to the persons (my relatives and acquaintances ) who recently left us . as the LORD had wished . we received the news of passing away of many of the elder members of our family , also some from my friends , neighbours .the list is quite long – one of my aunt , one of my uncle , the father in law of my cousin , the mother of my aunt , the mother of my brother’s friend … - it just goes on … it all happened in recent one month . so for all of them I want to write – we loved you all , and will be missing you . but we will try to control our sadness because we know that everything happens according to the WILL of the LORD . as it has rightly been said in LORD’S PRAYER –“THY will be done “ – so we all respect HIS decision . I know there must be some deep significance behind their paasing away in this particular time . HE will guide you all in your journey afterwards . we have complete FAITH in HIM , and believe that all of you will find Peace in HIS company .

Praying for HIS blessings for all,

Jai Shri Krishna

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