Wednesday, February 24, 2010

GITA PRESS , Gorakhpur


Again I was absent for a long time …these days I am busy in my social networking site posts , discussions and readings on spirituality . today I am posting here to let you all know about the recent developments in my life .

Recently I bought two of my favourite books – Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran and Ramcharit Manas . since last one year I was planning to purchase these books . but recently when we went to book fair , I found the Bengali translations of these two books ! it was like a SURPRISE for me ! I was SO HAPPY to bring those books with me .

Now at first about the books –

Shrimad Bhagwat is about Shri Krishna and other incarnations of Lord Vishnu . it is written by Ved Vyas . it is said that , after completing Mahabharat , he was still feeling incomplete .then he composed Shrimad Bhagwat . it gave him the Bliss which was missing in his previous composition . the focus of this text is the Devotion for the LORD .

Ramcharitmanas – as we all know that it is written by the great Tulsidasji . in it he has sang the glory of LORD RAM .

Both these text are considered as very pious and generates Bhakti Ras in the mind ogf the reader . as I am experiencing the Divine Love of the LORD these days , so decided to read these texts so that I can plunge deep into the ocean of the BLISS through them .

Now I will write about the publisher . Gita Press is a publication which publishes religious/spiritual writings, scriptures – in Different Languages and in Subsidized Prices . you all will be surpised to know the prices of all those famous books ! all the books have nice prints/fonts . another important point is that , the standard of all the translations are also maintained at the same level as the original texts , which is generally very rare to find in translated literature .

Today I dedicate this post of mine to Gita Press who are doing such a great work to help mankind ! I have purchased from them in many previous occasions also – like Bhagwat Gita and a compilation of nine Upanishadas (both in bengali ) . I would request everyone to grab this opportunity ! (i.e.- at least try for once to visit their stalls whenever you find one ) . I am always happy to visit their stalls (be it Delhi Book Fair or New Delhi station) . my best wishes for the team for their future endeavours !

These are the links of all the topics related to my today’s post –

Shrimad Bhagwat –

Ramcharitmanas –

Gita Press ---

And here is the link of official website of Gita Press

With Lots of Best Wishes for all ,


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