Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Narsimha Jayanti and Budhha Purnima

Yesterday was Shri Narsimha Jayanti. In fact, I didn't know about this occasion until last week when I went through the calendar and found out that 26 May has been marked as Narsimha Jayanti. After that I searched the net about this occasion. This is what I have got:


People keep fast on this auspicious day falling generally around the April/May, meditate on Lord Nrisimha and seek his grace to have the devotion like that of Prahlad. In charity the devotees give cows, grains, gold, robes etc., to the poor and the learned Brahmins according to their capacity. Lord Nrisimha symbolizes Omni presence of God and His deep concern and love for the devotees as also victory of good over evil.

(Another Link:

Actually I was also very afraid of this Narsimha Avatar from my childhood, whenever I have heard the stories from my Mom. But now I understand the necessity of that Narsimha (Man+Lion) appearance,(i.e.- to nullify the the boon which Hiranyakashipu received from Brahma). This story introduces us with the Great character of Prahlad- being born in Rakshas clan, he became the a Great Devotee of the Lord…Indeed a Pious character(as also explained by Lola on page 116, while referring about 'gunas' and how to transcend them) .

It is really a coincidence that today is Buddha Purnima. I have always felt very strongly about Gautam Buddha and his teachings from my childhood. He is like a representation of Peace and Enlightenment to me. I just love to read/listen/discuss about the Philosophy of Gautam Budhha- so many Basic Truths about our Existence are conveyed by Him with so Simple Words…

Here are some links about Budhha Punima for interested members:

I am very HAPPY to share these occasions with you all this year.

Wishing Happy Narsimha Jayanti and Budhha Purnima to all of you.

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