Saturday, June 20, 2009


Today i am writing about a debatable topic . Till now i have not attempted to write about any moral topic , but today some recent issues compelled me to write about it .

We all know about the idea of any wrong doing , which is called PAAP according to HINDU religion . And my CHRISTIAN friends also know about the SEVEN DEADLY SINS ( lust , gluttony , greed , sloth , wrath , envy , pride ) . Well i don't know about the detail anlysis of all religions but each and every religion does have specific instructions regarding wrong doings ( because any religion actually is a guideline for living peaceful life while experiencing an easy relation with the creator ) . In this way religious instructions help us to check our reactions in each and every situations of life .

Now why am i writing so much about it ? i want to explain 3 incidents ----

1 . I was watching MAHABHARAT series ,. There during the game of dice , the debatable decisions taken by YUDHISTIR were a result of GREED . From extreme frustration , he thought somehow he will manage to win . But we all know the result . In any kind of gamble this is the mental state of a player . This corresponds to the list of sins given above .

2. This one is an ancient story . Parikshit was an wise king but unknowingly he gave permission to the great rakshas KALI to dwell in GOLD . Now KALI started to dominate the king through the king's-crown (which was made of gold ) . With this influence the wise king PARIKSHIT lost his sense of judgement and insulted a sage bacuse of a very minor mistake . He became a slave of the great sin WRATH ( also in the list above ) . As he was under WRATH 's influence , he took a wrong decision .

3 . Now the last one --SHINEY AHUJA . Actually this is the reason why i took up this topic today . As i heard the charge against him , i felt really sad . He had a good image in my mind , i was a great fan of him . But i guess he was driven by LUST ( again refering to the list above ) . Though the case is going on , but one thing is sure --everything is not fine in his place , otherwise the topic would never have appeared .

What i realised from these incidents is that --no one is above theses SINS . Once we give them green signal ( many times unknowingly or by not being conscious enough ) , they are capable to ruin our life . So we have to take care of each step . We have to be aware of each and every decision taken by us otherwise our life can become a mirror of any of these incidents .

With best wishes


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