Saturday, June 27, 2009


The whole north-INDIA is under the grip of severe heat wave . It is a known fact to all ( courtesy-- news channels and news papers ...) . So , like all other persons , i am also facing the wrath of SUN-GOD now a days . It is such a great nuisance that i thought to dedicate todays post to this current topic .

And moreover there is power-cuts too for several hours also . Which means the only surviving kit for this summer contains ---
1. small hand-fans ( made by plastic or big tree leaves/taalpata) and

2. hanky ( may be a towel would be a better idea to wipe the sweat ...)

3. books ( as there is no tv or radio due to power-cut )

4. cotton clothes ( to save you from this heat ) .

It is really to work in the kitchen , but that is necessary . So ladies do it anyway .

I really feel sad for those persons who has to move outside (due to the demand of some particular profession ) during the afternoon . Indeed it is a punishment .

I won't go into much detail in this topic , but will give a hint of the life of DELHI by quoting headings of newspapers of last three days ---

" India Faces Moosoon Washout ( North-India May Be Worst Hit , Khariff Crops In Danger ) "
" Tempers Rise On Water Power Shortfall "
" Northern Greed Leaves Delhi In Dark "
" Water Woes Also Continue "
"Assembly Too On Short Fuse "
" City Reels Under Worst Power Crisis In Years ( Cuts Up To 12 Hrs ) "
" Traffic Lights Go On The Blink "
"Low Voltage Means No AC, Even Inverters Fail "
" No Respite From Mercury , Humidity Makes It Worse "

Oh yes , I forgot to mention the shortage in water supply ... it is right there with heat and power-cut .

But overall we are not in such a bad condition .May be reading these news will make you feel bad and you start worrying over it , but let me tell you --- all of these are bearable , there is nothing 'too much' in this situation . Sometimes a certain phase comes , evolves into its nature/shows us its true features ; then after a certain time gives way to the next phase . This is the rule of life itself . So all this heat really does not need worrying / lamenting over it from our side . All it needs is to get acknowledgment from us about its true nature .We should also enjoy it as a part of whole process ( cycle of seasons ) .

With best wishes

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