Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Why suddenly part 2 of a post ? And that too after so many days ?

Good question .Let me find an answer .

In my last post i forgot many important points , so thought to include them in my new post .

Well the very first point is WATER , i forgot to mention that we are dependent on refridgerated water these days , so this COLD WATER is another element of the SURVIVING KIT mentioned by me in the last post .

And not to forget COLD DRINKS also . My husband just loves cold drinks / lassi / nimbu paani , so we have cold drinks in the evening nearly everyday .

Another thing which i forgot is the importance of REFRIDGERATOR . When there is no electricity , ( for 6-7 hours ...) , then the food kept in the fridge gets stale . So all your energy to make that particular food gets LOST..., SO SAD... But it was the fact for some days at the end of JUNE .

And people in Delhi are not accustomed to use the 'umbrella' , which really surprises me . I am really conviced now (after living in Delhi for so many years ) that we , only the bengalees use umbrella in Delhi . Yes i do get amazed to think how could all these people walk without one , but the answer is that they are used to this 'hard rays of the sun' from childhood , so they really don't need the protection of an umbrella .

Now time for some headlines from the newspaper---

' Outrages Of 8-10 Hrs Can't Be Tolerated : CM '( 28 june )

' Heat Takes Its Toll As City Reels Under Cuts '

' Water Supply At Peak , Shortage Blamed On Thefts And Leaks '

'Villagers Block Gurgaon -Sohna Road As Bijli- Paani Ire Boils Over '

' No Fan , Nor A Drop Of Water Too ' .

Here i am completing this post after a long time( i was really busy in last few days ) , so the above news are not current . But that was the situation when i started the post . Anyway , to know what happened after this , just wait for my next post .

With best wishes

Dpriya .

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