Sunday, June 14, 2009


OK , last time i have written about my love for football . Today i will write about the importance of cricket in my life .

Like football , also cricket has always been followed in our house by my grandfather and my dad . So naturally, i started to take interest in the game from a very young age .

This game is known for its association with the CLASS ( quite different from the 'MASS assotiation' i. e. bodily contact of football ) . In cricket , the players are so smart , and the game has a soothing power in it ( because of the time alloted for fielding and for the bowler to walk back , and above all the break between 2 overs ) . I mean it is so different from fast- pace of football , where the game changes in every moment , it keeps you glued with your seat . Here i have not planned to compare the two games , but my last post was about football , so those points are still there in my mind .

I had some favourite players in cricket too --SACHIN TENDULKAR , ANIL KUMBLE , SOURAV GANGULY , HANSE CRONJE , JHONTY RHODES , KEPLAR WESSELS , ROSHAN MAHANAMA ...and many more i guess, i cannot remember all the names right now .

10-25 years back i really loved cricket . But when i came to know about the BETTING episode -- from then onwards , i lost my interest in the game . Now a days i watch the game , follow the news in the newspaper/television , but never feel that-much invovement with the game as the same in the past .

Why i took such a long gap to post a new topic here ? Because all these days i was busy with a discussion in my social -networking site . And believe me , that was a serious debate and has been a learning experience for me .

With best wishes


1 comment:

  1. You have expressed the sins accurately and also these incidents prove the same. And another important thing that you have correctly pointed out in your blog is that all the relligions be it- Hinduism or Islam etc have the common concept of sin to restrict common mass from doing those sinful acts,so that society does not become a unruly society. Very well writen. :-)
