Friday, May 22, 2009


Yes that is a tough question for me . After coming back from my hometown i haven't yet started my regular/pending routined chores . Why ? I don't know . I am like that . Sometimes i just let myself go in whatever direction it (my mind ) wishes to take . Which means facing its consequences also !!! for instance , if i don't do the dusting regularly - we have to live in a slightly dirty home ; if i don't wash my clothes -then next time i have to wash double number of that . I know everything , but still i am not feeling any urge to go and start my daily routine . Now a days i am doing only minimum amount of work which is needed to run a house smoothly.

Now why is it so ? (i.e. -what is the reason behind my this unique attitude?) There are 2 reasons , but one is related to the other .OK , No more of this playing with words . Actually since i wrote my last entry in this blog , i have been reading about MAHABHARAT and LORD KRISHNA . You may ask why have i suddenly started to read about these topics . The reason is , recently i was watching B.R. CHOPRA's MAHABHARAT on the television . Though i have watched the it before but i love this particular series . Gradually i stared an interest to know more about the stories , the characters - so i started to search the net to read more about it (the clashes , the lessons and so on ) .

The story regarding my interest in LORD KRISHNA is somewhat same but there is slight difference also . I REALLY loved the character of KRISHNA (who can forget NITISH BHARADWAJ ? ) when i watched the series , but recently i heard a number of talks about LORD KRISHNA . I was really surprised to find out so many special qualities in such a known character . It is becoming too overwhelming for me to express , but somehow i was awestruck by the symbolisms of LORD KRISHNA . From then on i am reading about HIM .

Now i guess you got an idea what am i doing all these days . May be i will start a blog on MAHABHARAT and LORD KRISHNA . I have not decided yet . Today i am becoming too much subjective while writing the blog . I hope you'll understand my present state of mind .

Now it is raining in delhi after a long time . I am going to watch the rain from my window. So it is bye for now .

With best wishes


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