Friday, May 15, 2009


So after 2 weeks i am back from my journey . These days i am in a middle stage . Now let me explain that unique term used by me . Actually what i mean to say is that now though i am back from my native town , but my mood has not yet accustomed itself with delhi . I am unpacking my bags , going through each and every articles i 've brought , remembering the people and places - like that- i am still living more in a shadow of my visit than in delhi . It will take some more days to get tuned to my delhi life . It happens after every visit , i know it quite well . It is another version of the famous home sickness . Though i am a practical person , but sometimes i do tend to feel these emotions .Believe me - I took a break of 2-3 days , doing nothing (only minimum household works) after i came back , but i think i need 3-4 days more to start my daily routine bound life in delhi . (I just love routined life ) . I really need to catch up with my pending works . So i am trying to cheer up myself !!!

Enough of all this - what am i doing today ?
1. I am reading the latest books brought by me.
2. I am cooking after a along break (today i made mix veg-potato , carrot , peas ) .
3. I have watched 2 hrs of tv today .

And at last i should and must thank God for being with me throughout the whole visit , it is because of HIM that my visit was successful , that i met so many friends and relatives , i spent a great time . Though HE is always with us but we should always be grateful for HIS blessings .

With best wishes



  1. This is true for all the people whoever lives outside his house. We indeed feel nostalgic when we go to our City (in our case it is Kolkata), but while returning to our present location we feel pretty sad but we have to accept that because we have nowhere to go.
    You have expressed our dilemma in such a way that it cannot be bettered. Also the word usage is beautiful. Very well written. Hope to see more such content-wise-rich postings.

  2. thank you for such a nice comment.indeed it is a great way to start the comments section of my blog.i expressed only my feelings regarding the topic.i am really happy today to receive a comment in my blog.

    with best wishes
