Saturday, May 23, 2009


Today i am going to write about one of my most favourite topic - SUNSHINE . Well , how to start the topic ? I really don't remember when i first started to love SUNSHINE , but i think it was from my teenage days. By looking at sunshine i always felt warm and joyful . Why ? I don't know . From my childhood i have never been an early-riser . But after i used to get up from bed i made it a point to open the windows (to their widest angles) to let the rays of the sun come into my house as much as possible .
After my marriage , i gradually changed my habit and started rising early . I just loved to see the sunrise . Usually the sun used to emerge behind the flat in front of our house . (Come on , we all live in a city which are full of multistoried buildings ; the sun always does not have an option to rise in a beautiful valley ...) . But there was a problem ; as i was doing a job - i could not enjoy the quite and serene nature . I had to hurry - to get ready , to make breakfast and to start my day . But still i used to look at the sun often .Then throughout the whole day i kept looking at the nature(outside world ) from the windows of my class .I always feel good to see the DAY , if i can say so.
Now when i am at home , i have the whole time left to myself . I get up early , and go to the kitchen or balcony . I can watch the sunrise everyday while making tea for me and my husband . As the DAY starts , it makes my day . I really don't know why is it so , but it is a fact .

In fact i can bear summer a lot more than winter . Many people around me get fed -up with sun and summer , but i don't feel like that . I love sun and sunshine . And in the winter i really feel the absence of sunshine ( and its heat also ) . It always lifts my mood .Even when i come out of any ac office / showroom /storeroom to an open place in the daylight - i feel bissful in its true sense .

After reading this long story , I think all of you have got an idea why SUNSHINE ON MY SHOULDERS by JOHN DENVER is one of my favourite songs . Specially these lines --

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high

If i had a day that i could give you
I'd give to you a day just like today

If i had a wish that i could wish for you
I would make a wish for the sunshine all the while.

with warm wishes for you all


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