Thursday, May 28, 2009


What actually does this heading mean ??? Is it one heading or two ???

I don't know myself .

Right now , I don't have anything to write about . Mainly because i am feeling a bit low since last 2-3 days . So i am slightly irregular in blog-posts these days .

The reason -- : Actually i have wrote here previously that i love a routined life . But for some reason or other since last few days i could not follow my routine , which helps you to do many things in a given time .

Because a routine assigns some specific time , so you become engrossed and try to complete the given work . Simultaneously you don't worry about other works because they are alredy in your day's list . Thus routine enhances productivity . At least according to my point of view .

But ok , routine-bound life can become boring . I agree to it . But to me (having a practical outlook ) to survive in this world you need to work . And to complete work on time you need to follow a plan . If you feel monotonous , give yourself a break . I often do it . Let not your intellect but your mind decide what to do and don't force it to do anything particular . It will choose something relaxing . And this will give you pleasure . This rest period can go on for a couple of days also , when you take life a bit easily . So this is my mantra for utilising TIME in a proper way .

Coming back to the original topic --: Becuase i can't follow the routine these days , i am feeling sad . This sentence is so childish !!!!! Why actually do we think that everything in our daily life will follow a pattern ? You know when i started writing this post i was not sure about the composition of my topic . Now i think it is quite clear to me .

The lesson --: I am realising that it is important to use the time . But if a reason (like power-cut , guests etc ) prevents you from following the schedule , then just accept it . Move on and do the next chore . Otherwise while you are sad and think about the previous work which was not done , the time for next work will also be lost .

Do let me know your views on this topic .

With best wishes


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