Friday, April 17, 2009


Today i am going to write about my profession , though now it is a previous one.As you all know , now a days i am into blogging.

Ok,to start with , i was a teacher for many years , i mainly dealt with primary class students.So those days were filled with many many innocent questions from students , my attempt to teach them discipline , to make them intersted and concentrate in studies (which obviously they hated...) , and most of all attending to their never ending problems.Now the PROBLEMS were of different kinds - starting from going to loo , to sharpening their pencils , to identifying and searching their books and notebooks from their bag according to periods , filling their water bottles , teaching them to use napkin in the lunch time....and many such trivial happenings .I had to tell them the instructions again and again and again , solving their problems repeatedly ...until i would lost my temper and shout to one of them !!! That would have been enough to make them quiet for sometime (say about 10 minutes!). wow ! They were really SCOLDING-PROOF,as you can understand that i coined this word just now , to express my observation. Coming back to class , after 10 minutes my students would become their normal self again.

Now you must have got some idea why those were the most memorable years of my life.I will write more on this topic in future.

Now i am ending my post for today.Tomorrow i will discuss a new topic.

Best wishes for all


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