Thursday, April 16, 2009


Yesterday we celebrated the beginning of a new year in different parts of our country.Though we call it in different names (according to the local cultures) , but the main idea is to start a-fresh.We all know that a year comes and goes , and this pattern goes on and on , following the calculation of time. But that is only the mechanical part.From emotional and social point of view , the new year ends the previous year and brings us to a new beginning.So we must respect what life teaches us , i.e. ,what has already happened is past.we can no more do anything about it ;but what is coming is future,and it is in our hands to create the future.

According to the laws of nature,this year will also pass , giving way to the next year.If we work hard,try to be truthful and cultivate only positive temperament - then probably by the next year end we will feel good about ourselves.

This is my personal may or may not agree with me.I will be happy to know your observations about new let me know.

Now i will take your leave.I will go to cook for dinner- and for those who are interested , i will make cauliflower today , my husband's favourite- so bye for now.

With best wishes


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