Monday, April 20, 2009


Today i am starting from my home front .In the morning i discovered that that i had some over ripe bananas . Instead of making the boring KOLAR BORA (sweet fried snacks made of banana ) , i wanted to try something new.So i searched the net and came with the idea of making BANANA CAKE. I went to the kitchen , arranged all the ingredients and started to mix them.At this point i discovered that i had 3 bananas instead of 1 as mentioned in the recipe.So i started adding thrice the quantity of each item needed.But NOW COMES THE TWIST IN THE STORY.I realised that i had only 1 1/2 cup of all purpose flour ( maida ).It was a time to take decision,and i decided to add simple flour (atta ) instead of all purpose flour . But believe me that was the only exception from the original recipe. I kept all the other ingredients intact.

You know,they say -WHEN YOU ARE MAKING A CAKE BE SURE TO ADD ALL THE INGREDIENTS ACCORDING TO EXACT MEASUREMENT. I knew it all but i thought somehow i will manage.

After baking the mixture for almost 1 hour , i realised that IT was not going to become/evolve ( ! ) into a cake . No doubt the mixture became a bit thick,but that's all..

Thus my 1st attempt failed.
I was so sad ...
But my spirit was not down .
Suddenly I was full of new ideas about the situation .
I decided to deep fry the mixture in white oil .
I did that and made some fried banana cakes ( if i can say so ).

Now that's all i have to describe about my new experiment .Hope you've enjoyed reading it . I would love to hear from you , any such incidents from your kitchen .
With best wishes

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