Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ramanujacharya Jayanti!

Dear Friends,

We had Ramanujacharaya Jayanti on 7th or 9th May (different info given in different sites Confused), he explained to us the concept of 'Vishishtadwaitvaad'. A Great Seer!!

Here are some links on Ramanujacharya:

About Ramanujacharya Jayanati:

Recently, 'The Times of India' had a special article on Ramanujacharya. An excerpt from that:

(To read the full article please visit:- )

The Revival Of Bhakti

By Sangeeta Venkatesh

A guru wondered whether his student was worthy of receiving the 'ashtakshara mantra' that would release him from earthly ills. After much deliberation, he finally disclosed it, but only after wresting a promise from him that it would not be revealed to others. The student pondered over the mantra and the next day, went atop the village temple and announced the mantra to a large gathering that had collected there. The guru, furious, said that the worst hell awaited him. To which the student replied, 'If this act of mine delivers thousands to heaven, i do not mind going to hell.' Thrilled, the guru hugged his disciple. The guru was Saint Tirukkottiyur Nambi and Ramanujacharya, his disciple, lived for 102 years.

Ramanuja was born in a Vaishnava family at Sriperambudur, near Kanchipuram. His own teacher, Yadavaprakash, felt threatened by the clarity and extent of his knowledge and so decided to kill him. However, due to divine grace Ramanujacharya survived. Ramanujacharya was against the caste system. He took an illiterate but knowledgeable saint, Kanchipurna as his teacher. One night Ramanuja invited Kanchipurna to his house. After serving him food, Ramanuja offered to wash his feet. Kanchipurna was embarrassed as Ramanuja was a Brahmin. An upset Ramanuja declared that one who was devoted to God was beyond any social order. Soon after, Ramanujacharya gave up the life of a householder and proceeded towards Srirangam.

Best Wishes for all of you on this occasion. Hug Hug

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