Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Buddha Purnima!

Belated Buddha Purnima Wishes to all of you! This post is dedicated to Gautama Buddha on the ocaasion of Buddha Purnima!

Budhham Sharanam Gachchhaami
Dharmam Sharanam Gachchhaami
Sangham Sharanam Gachchhaami.

It is said that one of the greatest spiritual teachers of mankind the world has ever seen is Gautam Buddha. Buddha was born around 543 BC as Siddhartha, the only son of Shuddhodana, the King of Kapilavastu. He is believed to have lived a very sheltered and protected life till the age of 29. He was completely ignorant of what miseries and sorrows were all about. He did not know the tragedies of everyday life. One day the prince desired to see the city. The King ordered that the city should be all gay and grand, so that everywhere his son would meet with only pleasing sights. In spite of the preparation, Siddhaartha witnessed some startling glimpses of life- he was shocked to see the harsh realities of life when he viewed an old man, a sick and disabled person and a dead body for the first time in his life. The fourth vision was of an ascetic who looked at peace with himself, which led Siddharth to search for the true meaning of life, renouncethe luxury and worldly pleasures and look for enlightenment. He wandered to many places and ultimately attained enlightenment in Bodhgaya under a 'pipal' tree. Since then he was known as Gautam Buddha or the 'Enlightened One', who is completely free from all faults and mental obstructions. Lord Buddha is considered the ninth avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu ('Preserver' in the Hindu Holy Trinity of Creator-Preserver-Destroyer).

Buddha Jayanti (also known as Buddha Purnima ) is the most sacred festivals of Buddhists,which is celebrated in remembrance Lord Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. This day is the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha. It falls on the full moon of the fourth lunar month (month of Vaisakh) i.e. April or May. This day commemorates three important events of Buddha's life

- His birth in 623 BC.
- His enlightment i.e. attainment of supreme wisdom, in 588 BC.
- His attainment of Nirvana, i.e. the complete extinction of his self at the age of 80.

Thus, it is a thrice blessed day. On this day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate these three great events. They reaffirm their faith in the Buddha Dharma, to lead a noble religious life. It is a day for meditation and for radiating Loving-Kindness.

The teachings of the Buddha are solely to liberate human beings from the misery and sufferings of life. According to the Buddhism, sorrow and desire are the maincause of all the evil and suffering of this world. Lord Buddha advocated theEightfold Path consisting of precepts like right conduct, right motive, right speech, right effort, right resolve, right livelihood, right attention and right meditation to gain mastery over suffering. It is only after following this path one can reach the ultimate aim of 'Nirvana', which is the 'transcendental state of complete liberation'.

Buddha travelled many places teaching hundreds of followers. Even after death his disciples continued to spread his teachings. Rich and poor alike were attracted by the simplicity of Buddha's teaching and his emphasis on complete equality of all, a notion antithetical to the 'existing' Hindu caste system. The Mauryan Emperor Ashoka supported the Buddhist religion in the 3rd century B.C. and helped in spreading it far and wide. Sarnath and Bodhgaya are two of the most important pilgrimage centres for the Buddhists. Buddhism originated in India and later, it has gained tremendous popularity throughout the Far East in Asia.

(Source:-,, )

I have always Loved the philosophies of Gautama Buddha, from the time I read about them in History books during my school days. Somehow, all these Four 'Aarya Satyas' (Four Noble Truths:- and the 'Ashangika Maarg'(Noble Eightfold Path :- ) always attracted me. I used to get surprised to think about Siddhartha, who, in spite of being a Prince, felt disgusted with the riches of a royal life, went for the search of Truth, his determined attempts of finding the Truth, the Enlightnment, the Lessons, the Peace, Calmness in his face, the 'Pragyna' in him- all these have attracted me towards Gautama Buddha from the childhood. Great are his teachings, make us feel so elevated and fills us with Peace when we try to follow them in our daily life!

Lots and Lots of Best Wishes to all of you on this Pious Occasion! Hug Hug Hug

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