Monday, August 8, 2011

Baaishe Shrabon: The Death Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore

Today, the 22nd of Shravana in the Death Anniversary of Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore. We, the Bengalis are remebering the prolific writer, poet and the greatset philosopher of our time! So decided to dedicate this post to him, who has given us the Expression for every situation of life, for every occasion of life, who has taught us Humility, Knowledge (True Wisdom) and solace in tough situation through his writings! His influence on all of us cannot be measured in anyway! He is ingrained in all aspects of our life, in our thinking, behaviour, action and social values. Spirituality has always been a chief element in his writings. I really really Love to Connect with this elemnt in his writings. I find So Many references or elements of Upanishadas in his writings, will try to write about it in detail later. I was trying to find some articles on this topic and came accross all these pages, sharing with you here:

Spirituality in Rabindranath Tagore, Shri Ram Krishna and Vivekananda

Spirituality related Quotes from Tagore’s works:

The Mysticism of Rabindranath Tagore

What Tagore's Poetry Teaches Us About God

Deepak Chopra: Rabindranath Tagore's Relevance for the Future of Spirituality and of Humanity

And here, I tried to translate some of his songs:-

'Tumi Ebar Aamay laho he Naath laho',

'Keno Jaagena Jaagena Olosho Poraan',

'Chiroshokha He Chherona'.

Remembering Kabiguru with great respect!