Thursday, July 23, 2009


Well, anyone will be surprised to read the heading – Seen A Peacock ? What does that mean ? What is so special about it ? Now I will explain…

Actually from my childhood , I have seen so many pictures of peacock ( I mean who hasn’t ?) , but I have never seen a peacock in front of my eyes before , that too with its beautiful feathers !

We live in place slightly near to bushy areas , where , with many other animals , monkeys and peocock also live . And many times they come and roam in our locality ( quite peaceful cohabitation – I must say ! ) .

So in this way , sometimes we see these animals around us . On one such day , in the morning , when I just got up from bed and was making tea—suddenly I saw a peacock on the roof next to our house . I was so much interested to study the animal that I stood beside the window to have a look at it . That day the sky was slightly cloudy and the sun was still not there in the sky . The atmosphere was quite pleasant. Suddenly the peacock started to arrange its feather and gradually it was in its full splendour !

Such an excellent scene ! I won’t be able to describe it . Since I have heard and read sooo much about it , but in its original state it seemed very different from all those descriptions . let me share my experiences --

The first thing I noticed was that -- Peacock has an element of rustic-ness in it , it belongs to the jungles . What I felt is that - if a picture of this bird is drawn with clean background and clear-cut outlines – the picture will lose its charm Then it won’t represent the real bird , which dwells in the jungle .

Another noticeable thing about it is its colour , it has such magnificent combination of blue, green , yellow and many more light colours as well as their different shades – which get mixed in the feather and together create a MAGIC ( in its true sense ) . the colour of the neck area is also very unique –a blue named after the bird itself—PEACOCK-BLUE .

I was awestruck to see its feather in full grandeur . when a peacock walks ( in its unique slow but twisted style ) with its feathers over its head – it is the real beauty of NATURE . Its shades of colours , its walking , its harsh tone –all add to its whole image . This can only be experienced in a place near to nature , never in any artificial garden or zoo .

So , this was my observation of our national bird . Do let me know your views about it .

With best wishes


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